About Australia

Australia is a continent and a state, surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its main cities, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, are located on the coast while the capital, Canberra, is inland.
The country is famous for Sydney's Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, the vast Outback desert area and unique animal species such as kangaroos, koalas and platypuses.
Over 90% of the population historically derives from Italian, German, Dutch and especially British immigrants who have colonized the country since the late 1700s, while in more recent times, there is an increase in immigrants from the South-East Asia and more generally from Asia.
The country still suffers from a strong dependence on foreign markets for many industrial products, but the general development very high, ensures that the country's economy appears very solid and with an increasing weight in the world economy. The trading partners are mainly Great Britain, the United States of America and also given the proximity, the emerging Asian countries (including Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and China).