About Canada

Area: 9,093,510 km²
Population: 33.573.000
Density: 3.7 ab. /km²
Capital: Ottawa (1,169,000)
Official languages: English, French
Currency: Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Borders: Land: 8,893 km Sea: 202,080 km
Canada is a country in North America, bordered by the Atlantic to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the west, and is the second largest country in the world after Russia.
Canada speaks several languages, both native and European, but the official languages are French and English. Despite being a formally independent country since 1982, with Ottawa capital, it is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and still recognizes the British monarchy as an official head of state.
The economy of Canada, a member of the G7, the OECD and NAFTA, is one of the strongest in the world, and is still booming, having suffered only marginally from the crisis of 2008, which has hit the United States hard. According to an IMF report, Canada, driven by exports of raw materials, has circumvented the crisis by keeping the real estate sector intact and robust and continuing to grow at a very fast pace from the beginning.
Unemployment also remains low, and the country remains a strong center of attraction for immigration, given the low population density that is concentrated in major cities such as Toronto, Montreal and Calgary.