About UK

Area: 241,930 km²
Population: 61,565,000
Density: 254 ab/km²
Capital: London (7.619.800 ab.)
Official language: English
Currency: Pound sterling (£)
Borders: Land 360 km Maritime 12,429 km
The United Kingdom is an island state in Western Europe, spread over the entire island of Great Britain and one-sixth of the island of Ireland. It is bathed southwest by the Atlantic Ocean, north by the Norwegian Sea and east by the North Sea and south by the English Channel, while the main cities are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and Edinburgh.
Despite the birth of other financial centers, the "London Square" still remains a reference point for international markets dictated by an increasingly internationalized economic policy.
On 23 June 2016, following the economic crisis that had recently hit the country, the citizens voted in a majority referendum in favor of "Brexit" against the European Union and after alternating events, Great Britain and the EU have reached an agreement to avert the "No Deal" still ensuring for seven years the possibility for EU immigrants to enter the kingdom without the need for a tourist visa.