Study Permit

The Study Permit is a document we issue that allows foreign nationals to study at Designated Learning Institutions (DLI) in Canada. Most foreign nationals need a Study Permit to study in Canada. Make sure you have all the necessary documents before applying. You should apply before traveling to Canada.

Your Study Permit is not a visa. It does not let you into Canada. You may also need a tourist visa or elctronic travel authorizarion (eTA).

Eligibility Requirements

To come to study to Canada you must:

  • qualify as a fully vaccinated traveler
    • If you are under 18 you do not have to be fully vaccinated. You must study at a designated learning institution (DLI) with an approved COVID-19 preparation plan.
  • be enrolled in a DLI
  • prove that you have enough money to pay
    • your university fees
    • living expenses for yourself and all family members coming with you to Canada and
    • return transportation for you and all family member who come with you to Canada
  • obey the law, have no criminal record and obtain a police certificate (if required)
  • be in good health and undergo a medical examination (if required)
  • prove to an official that you will be leaving Canada when your Study Permit expires

At the officeBooking an appointment based on availability.

OnlineBy making a call with Whatsapp, Skype or Zoom.