Other Destinations
VisaMi is an agency that supports its customers in the processing of the paperwork to obtain the consular visa appropriate to the nature of the request. The destinations and purposes can be very different from each other, but whether it is the most classic reason for tourism, whether you are traveling for business, there is almost always the possibility of combining needs with pleasure.
Surely one of the most well-known and important reasons for your trip is the opportunity to know new places, which allows you in many cases to learn new cultures, traditions, culinary flavours and different languages. Another element not to be underestimated is undoubtedly the possibility of reducing stress or however to radically change the daily routine.
Before embarking on your trip, it is good to take into account the rules and details necessary to avoid encountering unpleasant difficulties with local authorities, especially officials responsible for validating your entry into the country, regardless of whether you travel with or without a visa.
In addition, as a result of the Sars-cov-2 pandemic, many countries have introduced more restrictive measures, or have simply imposed new rules of engagement for travel, which in many cases require the need to have priority health insurance, that covers the entire period of stay abroad.
For more details, please consult the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which reports updates in real time https://www.viaggiaresicuri.it/home
Below are the major countries for which we provide agency services.